Armstrong County Sheriff
Melissa Anderson

Phone: (806) 553-6933
Fax: (806) 553-2998
Office Location: Armstrong County Courthouse--2nd Floor Email: Mailing Address: P.O. Box 531, Claude, TX 79019
All Armstrong County inmates are currently housed in the Carson County Jail
For information on an inmate, please call (806) 537-3511
Visit to check the custody status of an offender
Public Information Act
The Public Information Act is a Texas statute codified as Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code. It declares that it is the public policy of Texas that people are entitled to full and complete information regarding the affairs of government and the official acts of those who represent them as public officials and employees. The Public Information Act designates each elected county officer as the officer for public information and as the custodian of the information created or received by that person's office. Each elected officer is responsible for the records of his or her office.
The Public Information Act excepts from required public disclosure any records relating to the detection, investigation, or prosecution of a crime for which there has been no conviction or deferred adjudication, offense reports other than the information normally released to the public on the front page of an offense report, and prosecutor's records.
Methods of Making Written Request for Public Information
A request may be submitted to the Sheriff by (1) United States mail, (2) electronic mail, (3) hand delivery, or (4) any other delivery method approved by the governmental body--including fax submission or electronic submission (if available) through the county's internet website. The mailing address, email address, and physical address are provided above. When submitting a request, please date and sign it.
Access to Records
The Public Information Act requires the county to provide access to information that exists at the time of the request, or to seek a determination from the attorney general that the information may or must be withheld. This applies only to information in existence at the time the request is made. It does not require the county to prepare new information in response to a request.
1. The County may charge for shipping and postage at the actual cost. The costs for shipping and postage may be added to the other reproduction costs the county charges the requestor.
2. Under the attorney general's rules, there are permissible charges for standard paper copies reproduced by an office machine copier or computer printer. Each side that has a printed image is considered a page. The County may charge the requestor $.10 per page. If more than 50 pages of standard copies are requested/necessary, the County may additionally charge the requestor for labor, overhead, and document retrieval.
3. Per Title 1, Part 3, Chapter 70 of the Texas Administrative Code, the charge for obtaining a copy of a body worn camera recording shall be: (1) $10.00 per recording responsive to the request for information; and (2) $1.00 per full minute of body worn camera video or audio footage responsive to the request for information. A member of the public is required to provide the date and approximate time of the recording, the specific location where the recording occurred, and the name of one or more persons known to be a subject of the recording when submitting a written request for information recorded by a body worn camera.
Information that MUST be withheld: Information confidential by law; the law forbids its public release. Some examples include: medical records, mental health records, HIV or AIDS test results, polygraph exam results, certain income tax return information, certain property tax appraisal photographs, and handgun license information.
Information that MAY be withheld: Information that may be released or withheld at the county's discretion. Some examples include: criminal investigations, ongoing or expected litigation, pending bids, advice from legal counsel, advice/recommendations in internal memoranda, and drafts of the county budget before it is made public.
Please note that certain information from the Sheriff's Office may be withheld or redacted from records without the need to request a determination from the attorney general. If this is the case, the requestor will be provided with instructions on how to seek a determination from the attorney general on whether the information was properly redacted or withheld. If you have further questions, please contact your attorney.