Please be advised that our office, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, IS open for business with social distancing compliance, use of mask and hand sanitizer are available, but not mandatory. If you need to make a payment you can do so online OR contact the office. If you were issued a ticked and have questions, please contact our office by phone or email, 806-553-2860 X2, or
This is the ONLY office that can assist you with a Citation for Armstrong County.
Your APPEARANCE DATE is the date that you must have a PLEA IN WRITING in the office. This can be received in person or by mail.
Your Signature is a legal commitment to ENTER A PLEA before the Judge in person or by mail on or before your appearance date.
**The Justice of the Peace Court does NOT accept Personal Checks for Payment of Fines, Court Costs or OMNI Fees*
The court WILL accept cash (
exact amount), money order, cashier's check, MasterCard, Visa or Discover for payment of fines, court costs and OMNI fees. You will need your citation no. or your cause no. (contact the JP office for this no.) to pay online. You will be charged a convenience fee (4.5%) by Government Portal to pay by credit card on online.